Autore: Luca Sorelli
Titolo: Some studies on the asses-sment of the fracture tough-ness of fiber reinforced con-crete with an emphasis on hybrid fiber systems
Collana: Tesi e Ricerca
Genere: Ingegneria civile
The present thesis mainly deals with a mechanical inve-stigation of a new composite material: the Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete (HyFRC).
This composite represents an evolution of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) because it combines different fibers in a cementitious matrix with the scope to take simultaneously advantages from the material properties of each fiber type (multi-functionality) and from their interaction (synergy) to optimize the mechanical and physical performances of the composite.
The experiments consisted of tests from the meso-scale level (pull-out tests on a single fiber) to the structural macro-scale (bending tests, double cantilever beam tests and tension tests). Analytical and numerical models were applied on the test responses of HyFRCs with different scopes, such as the identi-fication of the constitutive laws of the materials, the compa-rison between the test responses, the prediction of the structural behavior.
Finally, the benefits of hybrid fibers on slabs on grade were evaluated by performing seve-ral tests on full-scale slabs. The experiments were simula-ted by FE analyses based on Non Linear Fracture Mecha-nics that appeared to be a powerful tool for modeling the structural behavior of slabs on grade.