Autore: Marco Remino
Titolo: Shear modeling of reinforced concrete structures
Collana: Tesi e Ricerca
Genere: Ingegneria civile
This book deals with the formulation and validation of a finite element that can model and capture the shear failure of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The finite element presented is a fiber Timoshenko force-based beam-column element that adopts, as fiber constitutive law at the integration points, the model proposed by B. D. Rose and P. B. Shing (2001). The Timoshenko element is chosen since it incorporates section rotations with respect to the centroidal axis due to both shear and flexure. The element is force-base formulated as this formulation makes the element more efficient than the stiffness-based formulation with nonlinear materials. The response of each fiber is calculated using a physically based composite steel-concrete consti-tutive model, suitable for the analysis of the shear behavior of RC structures: the Rose-Shing (RS) model. RS is chosen as fiber constitutive law since it allows cyclic analyses of RC fiber or panel. However, the book is limited to the monotonic analyses of structural elements, since numerical instabilities encountered during cyclic analyses prevent dynamic simulations.