Editors: S. Ahmad, M. di Prisco, C. Meyer, G.A. Plizzari, S. Shah
Titolo: Fiber Reinforced Concrete: From Theory to Practice -
Proceedings of the North American/European Workshop on Advances in Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Collana: Tesi e Ricerca
Genere: Ingegneria civile
The aim of this North American/European workshop was to bring together experts from United States, Canada and various European Countries, whose past and current research efforts have been responsible for advancing the state of the art of FRC and who are familiar with the associated profes-sional practice issues. The main inhibitor to application of this technology in engineering pra-ctice, both in Europe and in North America, is the lack of appropriate codes and standards as well as governmental certification. ACI and RILEM have already undertaken major efforts to refine design methodologies.
The important next step would be an effort to explore the most expedient ways of using short discrete discontinuous fibers as reinforcement both as partial replacement of conventional steel reinfor-cement and, in special cases, to completely re-place conventional steel reinforcement for concrete structures.
The Workshop was held in Bergamo on September 24-25, 2004.