N° pagine 162, illustrato B/N
Formato 16, 5 x 24
Prezzo di copertina:
euro 16,00
Codice ISBN 88-88847-92-8
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Autore: Alessandra Nocilla
Titolo: “The mechanics of silty soils from the Po river embankments ”
Collana: Tesi e Ricerca
Genere: Geotecnica
The work presented in this thesis has defined a transitional mode of behaviour that is between that for clean sands and clays. As the clay content was reduced the behaviour changed from a typical clay mode to a transitional form between that of clays and sands that had previously only been seen for gap-graded soils, emphasising that this type of behaviour is possibly much more extensive than previously thought. The work has highlighted a number of features of transitional behaviour, in particular that unique Normal Compression and Critical State Lines do not exist, that Rendulic’s principle does not apply and that drained and undrained tests do not reach unique ultimate states.