Editors: C. Gentile, F. Benedettini, R. Brincker and N. Møller
Titolo: Proceedings of the 3rd International Operational Modal Analysis Conference
Volume I e II
Collana: Tesi e Ricerca
Genere: Ingegneria
These proceedings contain the papers presented at the 3th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, Portonovo,
, May 4 – 6, 2009. The Conference is jointly organized by Università Politecnica delle
, L’Aquila University,
Southern Denmark
, Brüel & Kjær, Structural Vibration Solutions. Few years later from the first theoretical studies and practical applications, nowadays the Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) is believed to be a powerful mean to perform the modal identification of structures and systems when the uncertainties on the input or practical excitation / measurements limitations suggest to only use the structural output, completely disregarding the measure of the source of vibrations. All major aspects of Operational Modal Analysis have been covered in the Conference and, in particular, specific interests in the following fields: civil engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering, signal processing, damage detection, new identification and measurement techniques, vibro-acoustic analysis.