N° pagine: 358, illustrato
Formato: 17,6 x 25
Codice ISBN 88-88847-91-X
Prezzo di copertina: 40 euro

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Editors: Pietro G. Gambarova, Roberto Felicetti, Alberto Meda, Paolo Riva
Titolo: Proceedings of the Workshop
Fire Design of Concrete Structures:
What now? What next?

Collana: Tesi e Ricerca

Genere: Ingegneria strutturale

The often devastating effects that fires have on entire structures or single structural members has been brought back to the scene by a number of recent fires in tunnels, tall buildings, entertainment halls, bridges and off-shore platforms. What matters is not only the structural fire resistance, but also the safety  and serviceability level after a fire.
The increasing implications of  fire-related effects in structural design have been lately dealt with in a few international projects, which are favoring the collection of new test data, the development of innovative theoretical models and computational tools, and the refinement and/or extension of the design codes.
This volume collects more than 30 papers presented at the workshop “Fire Design of Concrete Structures: What now? What next?” organized by Task Group 4.3 “Fire Design of Concrete Structures” of fib (International Federation for Structural Con-crete) and held at Milan University of Technology on December 2-3, 2004.
The workshop was focused on the engineering aspects of structural fire design, starting from the application of the latest technical-scientific results in the domain of structural concrete. Specific attention was devoted to the implications that fire has on conceptual-design, in order to  achieve a satisfactory balance between concrete and steel thermo-mechanical sensitivity, and structural response.
The contributions by different “actors” – acade-micians, researchers, designers, owners, consul-tants, contractors, MS and PhD Students – allows this volume to cover a variety of topics, to the advantage of both experts and laymen in the domain of fire design.