Autore: Matteo Colombo
Titolo: FRC bending behaviour: a damage model for high temperatures
Collana: Tesi e Ricerca
Genere: Ingegneria
This thesis investigates the meccanical behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) at high temperatures. A proper identification of the material was performed by means of three kinds of tests: four point bending, uniaxial compression and fixed end uniaxial tension tests. The final aim of this project is to propose a thermo-mechanical damage model able to predict the bending behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete elements exposed to high temperatures. Some issues on the numerical modelling of SFRC bending behaviour are here presented in order to validate the plane section assumption and the reliability of a linear constitutive law in uniaxial tension. The research was instrumental to validate the fire design approach followed in the recent National Recommendations (CNR-DT204/06).