N° pagine 54
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Formato 17 x 24
SSN 1828-3357

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Autori: C. Batini, G. Viscusi, D. Cherubini
Titolo: eG4M: The Planning Methodology

QD Quaderni – Department of informatics, systems and communication- Research Report n. 2 aprile 2008

Collana: Tesi e Ricerca

Genere: Informatica

We present a methodology for eGovernment project planning that uses a multidisciplinary approach. The set of expertises needed for the design of eGovernment systems is broad and ranges from social to juridical, economic, organizational, and technological perspectives, which have to be faced in a unique vision. The methodology has three phases: state reconstruction, assessment, and preliminary operational planning. Our aim is to bring out a number of issues, which are currently challenging in many eGovernment projects, through an integrated approach.
In this paper we focus on social and technological aspects. A case study provides evidence of the feasibility and effectiveness of the methodology.